Thursday, February 08, 2007

General predictions

This New Year (2007) is started with a bad planetary alignment. Saturn’s retrograde causes rain and storm in some places. The first half of 2007 is not good for PM. Manmohan Singh. Crime and violence may increase in India.

Saddam Hussein got the gallows and the role of old man of 2006 despite having good influence of the planets, especially of Mars. That’s why people feel his execution is not proper. Generally Mars influenced persons will have tremendous strength and long life. So one’s deeds decide his/her destiny. But he died when Saturn came in square with his natal Moon. I am still not sure of his date of birth. President George Bush cannot be happy about it. He will get what he deserves for his ignorance. Actually he has no power to rule. He became president just because his father was a president. Planetary alignment in his natal chart is complicated. He doesn’t learn from his mistakes, instead wants to repeat them. Lack of common sense is the problem. Fate is awaiting him. A tough period is ahead when Saturn, Uranus and Pluto come in square and opposition after two years. However, heavenly bodies have given him a long life and married life as well.

Aishwarya Rai has to get mariied She has planets’ good and bad influence equally. If one planet is well placed the other is badly placed. Thus the aspects neutralize. Venus and sun made her world famous. Venus pushes her being in public. But Saturn compels her to marry. Mars in the 8th house is inauspicious. Uranus and Pluto create trouble; will not allow her to keep the marriage. Abhishek is perfect match for her. But when planets don’t augur in one’s horoscope perfect match is not possible. To continue her career is better. She has chosen a career according to the Neptune’s aspect. A person whom I know described her face as fierce. She looks like a fairy at one time, fiery at the other. Some likes her, others love to hate. However, her parents suitably named her. Aishwarya has Aishwarya.

Shilpa Shetty is going through a bad phase because Saturn is in square with her natal Moon. Sanjay Dutt also shares the same Moon sign also has a bad phase.

Saif Ali Khan had a threatening heart problem recently because Saturn is in square with his natal Saturn now. But his Mars is strong. So Saif is safe. He must count his age. I don't know his birth date for accurate predection.


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